Monday, January 24, 2011

Custom Search

Monday, November 15, 2010


TYPE OF POLES ---------------WEIGHT                    
6M/50Kg ----------------------- 345Kg

8.3m/100Kg --------------------- 610Kg

8.3m/500Kg --------------------- 1100Kg

10m/300Kg ---------------------- 1010Kg

11m/350Kg ---------------------- 950Kg

11m/500Kg ---------------------- 1100Kg

11m/850Kg ---------------------- 1400Kg

11m/1200Kg --------------------- 1600Kg

13m/500Kg ---------------------- 1450Kg

13m/850Kg ---------------------- 1900Kg

13m/1200Kg --------------------- 2305Kg

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Protection Of Transformers.

Transformers are static devices, totally enclosed and generally oil immersed.therefore chances of faults occurring on them are very rare.

Small distribution transformers are usaually connected to the supply system through series fuses insted of circuits breakers. Consequently , no automatic protective relay equipment is requried.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

What is CORONA ?

when an alternating potential is applied across two conductors whose spacing is large as compared to their dimaters, there is no appparent charger i n the condition of atmosphereic air surroundingthe wire if the applied voltage is low.

However , when the appiled voltage exceeds a certain value,called "critical disruptive voltage", the conductors are surrounded by a faint violet glow called "Corona".

Past Paper