Thursday, March 4, 2010

What is CORONA ?

when an alternating potential is applied across two conductors whose spacing is large as compared to their dimaters, there is no appparent charger i n the condition of atmosphereic air surroundingthe wire if the applied voltage is low.

However , when the appiled voltage exceeds a certain value,called "critical disruptive voltage", the conductors are surrounded by a faint violet glow called "Corona".

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

what are the conductor(ABC) sizes ?

Phase Conductor -- 70 mm2(cross section area).

NeutralConductor -- 54.6 mm2(cross section area).

Street Lampconductor -- 16 mm2(cross section area).

what are the constitute of ABC ?

Insulation Meterial
XLPE -Cross Link Poly Ethylene.

Phase Conductors - Hard Drawn Aluminium.
Neutral Conductors - Aluminium Alloy.
Street Lamp Conductor - Hard Drawn Aluminium.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

what is Span and Sag of a Transmission Line ?

the Span and Sag as below image,

LT (Low Voltage) span = 40 ~ 45 m.
HT (High Voltage) Span = 70~75 m.

What are the types of ABC ?

1. 3 Phases and 1 Neutral.
2. 3 Phases, 1 Neutral & 1 Street Lamp Line.
3. 3 Phases , 1Neutral & 2 Street Lamp Lines.

What are the types of ABC ?

What are the Advantages of ABC ?

Possiable of live tapping.
Higher Revenue and least Cost to Authority.
Pole Shareing.
Ease of Augmentation.
ABC -install any where.
Leser no of Fiwer Impedance.
Corrosion Resistance.